May 23, 2007
I thought you might enjoy a picture of my guest. Pastor Peter is the Maasai pastor whose family I stay with in Kenya. I met him through a person who attends a small church in Cedar Park. The church decided to invite him over and he arrived three days ago.
He spent last night in my home and went to school with me today to sing and do his Maasai dance on the morning broadcast, as well as visit in several classrooms. The kids were thrilled as they have heard my stories about visiting the Maasai. Not only did he dance and do "throat singing" he went into the fact that he used to drink blood and eat raw meat. The kids were all making gagging sounds. :) He also mentioned he has killed a lion. Peter is a true Maasai warrior. After circumcision, at about age 16 - he and other young men went to live in a cave for four years where they drank blood (etc.) as part of the Maasai ritual to become a man. When he returned, an evangelist was in his village. He became a Christian and returned to the cave for three weeks of prayer and fasting. His testimony is amazing and he is a wonderful speaker.
Today, he really had a bad case of jet-lag and was very tired, so it was quite nice of him to get up at 6:30 to go with me to work. My husband noticed he had his light on all night. I asked Peter about it this morning and he replied that he didn't know how to turn it off. Then, as we were talking this morning he asked why there wasn't water in the bathroom. Unfortunately, our faucet has to be pulled out and then turned and he didn't know how to turn it on. No water and a light on all night. My daughters told me I definitely flunked the 'hostest with the mostest' contest. I have had so many foreign visitors, you would think it would have registered with me to check those things for Peter.
Peter said he had spoken with ten administrators, which have schools surrounding Ewauso Kedong, their trading town. Although only 50% of Masai attend school, Peter said the administrators all agreed if they had libraries the children would come just because of the books. He said all of the children would then go to school. That would be a good thing - since he said Masai girls are married between 9 and 11, right after circumcision.
Tomorrow evening Peter is coming over for an evening with my family, which will be fun for the grandkids.
We leave a week from Saturday. I must admit, I am a bit panicked at all I need to get done before the airplane leaves.
I had a note from Sarah, the principal at Bat Valley today. They are having a huge celebration the entire week we are there - celebrating reading and writing. She wants us to speak to grade levels at large group meetings, as well as to parents, so they will be involved with the library, also. It will be a fantastic week at all four schools! Sarah has mentioned over and over how excited the students and teachers are as they are waiting for us to arrive!
If I don't check in again before we leave, remember we are trusting you to keep us in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you for your support.
My best to each of you.