Thursday, June 05, 2008

Time to Travel


It is that time already. We will leave Saturday at 3:30 pm, arriving in Entebbe, Monday morning, at 7:40. It will be exciting for our Austin group to meet in Chicago with those traveling from Illinois and Kansas. This year, like last year, all of those traveling will be wearing our Libraries of Love t-shirts. It makes it much easier to spot the rest of the team!

I am so excited about returning (my fifth summer) that I am already packed. We hired a Ugandan carpenter to sand and stain the 14-foot planks needed for the bookcases. With the planks finished, Paul and his team will quickly be ready to start creating bookcases.

The ladies will tackle unpacking 24,000 books - plus stopping often to hold little hands and visit with the kids. The teachers are interesting. When they open boxes, they are so amazed they forget work. They just sit down and start looking through the books, which totally thrills us!

We have so many wonderful relationships which we have built over the last several years, that it is a blessing just to see our friends once again. As you know, we will not only be creating two large libraries, we will also be revisiting our previous six schools that have received libraries and looking for locations for future libraries!

It will be an extremely busy time while the team is there - busy, but so rewarding.

As the Ugandans would say: Please pray with us for “traveling mercies,” as we go to provide libraries and share His love.


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