Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The simple things in life ... Ahhhhh!

This morning I just caught a boda to a hotel, as there is no water at the schools. Who would think finding a toilet could be so difficult. :) Try to imagine hundreds of kids at the schools, without water. We are without electricity on a regular basis - but being without water is much more difficult for me.

It is amazing how far we have come in the last seven years of creating libraries. As I went through the books at our first library, I flipped between laughter and horror at some of the books we sent that first year. I would go - - really??? There were books about (for instance) the '80s; little known vice-presidents, etc. These were not exactly books that would make beginning readers fall in love with reading. :) So, I cleaned the shelves of those, as well as totally damaged books.The library now looks great - but will need totally restocked next year. Today, I will do the same at Bat Valley - our second library.

In case you haven't heard, Billy and John Mary are taking me boda shopping on Saturday. I need a small cycle to move between libraries in Mbale. I hope I can find neon pink or something wild - 'Go Granny Go.' :) Every person here that I have told that I'm getting a boda, burst out laughing! Come on now! All I need to know is how to gas it and how to stop - right?! And, I need a really great helmet that my grandkids will think fits their 'crazy' granny! Of course, body armor might also be good. :) I realize bodas aren't safe (as I am preparing to take one to Bat Valley), but it is my means of independence here, so I will try to be careful, remembering that God is in control!

I am ecstatic that Mercy and Melissa are home in Kansas. I must admit, since they are family, it was especially hard to part with them. It was nice being able to call Melissa in the mornings just to say. "Good Morning" ... simply because I could. Mercy is hilarious. I'm sure her sisters are loving every minute with her!

Our second team left yesterday. It is hard to describe the impact our volunteers over the years have made. Picture a wagon wheel. The hub - Libraries of Love - 24 school libraries and one medical library. The spokes representing the stream of good works our volunteers and supporters have provided outside of the libraries- including: children fed, school fees paid, sports and play equipment provided, funding for hundreds of shoes, scholastic materials provided, university fees paid, Bibles provided, and God's love shown to adults and children on a daily basis in various ways - including: holding little hands, singing songs with hundreds, answering questions from students, offering smiles of friendship, going on home visits, and sharing laughter and tears with our Uganda friends.The rim of the wagon wheel - God. He is definitely what holds it all together and keeps it moving forward year after year to bless even more young people and adults here in Uganda.

There is so much I want to share, but I know your time is limited, as is mine. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. My days are intense, as there is an extreme amount of work to do in a limited time. God has to renew my patience - whatever that is - :) everyday.

My love and best wishes to each of you.


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