Friday, April 11, 2014

Libraries of Love - March 2014 Newsletter - republished

March 3, 2014 
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A Lesson in Humility and Honesty – Inspiring!

Dr. Sam Ononge with his wife, Grace, and two sons in their home.

By Trudy Marshall
Executive Director

I visited recently in the very simple home of Harriet’s doctor. The living room and kitchen are one small area. Their 16 year old son, Shem, told me he loved playing in a soccer league, but he had to drop out because they didn’t have money for the fees. Grace, the doctor’s wife, took a job driving a van taking kids to and from school each day, for extra money. Doctors’ salaries are low in Uganda.

I remembered Dr. Sam declining a payment of $1,500, and talking his Muslim colleague into doing the same, because he felt it was God’s direction. I can’t think of that without tears. How can someone who needs funding for his son’s sports fees, and daily living, turn down such a huge amount? I can only conclude that the doctor has a true ‘God’ heart. He is the example of what a life lived for God should look like – a life of total humility and honesty.
Harriet and her son, Dixion, at the charity concert he sponsored.

Harriet continues to thrive

I had the joy of seeing Harriet at a streetside benefit concert arranged by her son Dixion. I received many, many wonderful hugs from my dear friend. She is a miracle ... a really, truly beautiful miracle. She is thriving after the successful cancer surgery.
Dixion, who is sponsored by former traveler, and current volunteer, Anna Perusse, is giving back to his community. A high school senior, he founded the Love and Care Foundation, a registered charity that provides essentials, for street children, and visiting /praying with those in the hospital.

Feb. 27, 2014 - Libraries of Love board member Jim Matthews  and his wife, Ellen, pause after pallets of books were loaded onto a container for their trip to Uganda. About 24,000 books began their two-month journey by truck and ship. The books will be used to create libraries in five schools with a total student population of about 5,000.

10 Years of amazing accomplishments!

Over 60,000 students have read in
28 Libraries of Love libraries
• children are fed,
• school fees paid,
• 3 college graduates,
• 2 students in college,
• a former volunteer serving now 2 years as a missionary in Kenya with her husband,
• another volunteer taking her own teams to Uganda – having supplied over 7,000 Mama Kits (everything needed to give birth),
• and a volunteer who takes teams to do evangelism with Pastor Okumu’s church.

Our newest librarian, Catherine, poses with students at Bugonda Road Primary.
 From the heart ... I have now been in Uganda just over a month, and will remain until the end of August. I am busy training new librarians, meeting with headmasters and librarians, and making sure students are reading daily. My day is made when students read for me and share their books. They are my inspiration. As always, many thanks to you, our volunteers and sponsors. This would not be possible without you.

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